Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Граматика Емоцій: Тема 1. Категоризації емоційних переживань у різних теоріях емоцій

Emotional experience

The origin of emotions

Can you read faces? Do you easily recognize a genuine expression of joy or sadness, jealousy or pity? What is the relation between feelings, emotions, sensations or moods?
And even though you may consider yourself adept at it, being an expert in understanding facial expressions is not an easy issue. Not to mention interpreting verbal emotion expression.

Watch the video and tell whether emotions are universal?

Further reading
1. Wierszbicka, A. (1999). Emotional Universals [1.1. Emotions or feelings?] // Language design, 2. 23-69. (23-27)

2. Robinson, D. (2008). Brain function, emotional experience and personality. In Netherlands journal of psychology, 64. 152-167.

3. Fredrickson, B. L. & Cohn, M. A. (2008). Positive emotions. In M. Lewis, J.M. Haviland-Jones, L. F. Barret (eds.) Handbook of emotions. 777-796.

Граматика емоцій: Тема 5. Емоційна домінанта в організації тексту.

Qualitative Emotion Analysis Choose and analyze a fragment of discourse by determining the linguistic means of conveying the emotional...